Sunday, February 1, 2009

Christmas with the Claridges

Once again, we headed to Thatcher for the holidays. We stayed with my Mom, Grandma Lynn. This was Clinton's last Christmas home before his mission, and David's first one back after serving his mission. It was so fun to be with them! Grandmother Layton came over as well on Christmas morning to open gifts with us. It was a special Christmas to be able to be with her and my Mom. Too far and few are these moments. I love them so much!!!

For FHE we did what just about every other family I know around here does: enjoyed the Temple Lights. It's amazing to see displays like this through my children's eyes. They were giddy!! It was classic.
Bryson was given this "reverence bear" from his primary teacher. It, "teddy" has become part of the family on just about every occasion there is. I would have never guessed!!

Bryson, Teddy and Elizabeth

Every Christmas morning we wake up, hold hand and make a train, and run through the house singing jingle bells before we run into the room with the tree. It has been fun to have my mom, brothers, and Grandmother join us for two years now. Clinton woke up early this year and decided to go outside "unknowingly" during this part of the celebration.

Uncle Clinton got Elizabeth this princess jewelry. She was in heaven!!

I was totally being silly for dramatic effect here and Lamar thought it was post worthy apparently. I already knew what was in the box. (Clothes $$!)

We got Grandmother Layton to play Ticket to Ride with us. She and I teamed up so that I could help her learn the rules and understand how to play. We ended up beating everyone by a long shot!!!! I distinctly remember seeing a tear fall from the corner of Ryan's eye as he accepted defeat. Shannon and Mom didn't take it as well. Lamar had to go for a walk to get some air. Poor old chaps! Grandmother looks sweet, but she is a game shark!!

Uncle David, Grandma Lynn, and Grandmother Layton. I guess that Clinton must have put the cowboy hat on the stand in the background after coming home from a day of work. Evidence that although we can't see Dad with us, he is not very far away. He lives through us. It is typical of what I probably saw every single day of my life. It just fits. Life as ususal. I love it. I love going home.

Grandmother, Clinton, and Elizabeth.

Special times. These are the moments that make our memories sweet.

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